Baburao Patel - Rediff Pages
Baburao Patel
Detailed Information
Baburao Patel (1904 - 1982) was a publisher and writer.Biography
Baburao was born to an affluent family in the Konkan area of Maharashtra. Patel was married three times, and for some time he was married to two women at once, which was legal in India then. Amongst his wives, most prominent was writer, actress, and journalist, Dr. Susheela Rani Patel.Baburao was elected to the Lok Sabha (Lower House) as a member of the Bhartiya Jan Sangh (India), which is now known as Bhartiya Janata Party, from Khandwa in Madhya Pradesh.
He was the Editor and Publisher of India's first film trade magazine, Film India, whose first edition was published on his 31st birthday.Baburao was also the founder and editor of a prominent political magazine, Mother India (different from one started by Aurobindo group).
- The rosary and the lamp (1966), Girnar Publications
- A critical history of nine years of Nehru's rule from 1947 to 1956 (1956), Sumati Publications
- Grey dust (1949), Sumati Publications
- A blueprint of our defence (1962), Sumati Publications
As Director- Gwalan (1946)
- Draupadi (1944)
- Pardesi Saiyan (1935)
- Bala Joban (1934)
- Maharani (1934)
- Sati Manchanda (1933)
- Kismet (1932)
Baburao Patel'Syndrome
From Baburao Patel's Q/A section in FilmIndia, August 1947 issue. ( via a collection shared with me by Memsaab Greta)

click:-Made of awesome: Filmindia and Baburao Patel
At The Edge: August 2011
indian film magazines 1940 till now -- "BOLLY WOOD" A SATIRICAL WORD COINED BY BAURAO PATEL IN 1950'S MAGAZINE
Mr Baburao Patel
is one of the most outstanding men of our times. I deem it an honour to speak on him. My acquaintance with him dates back to my college days. That was in Lahore, now in Pakistan. I very vividly remember when I joined my college in the 1st year, all the University boys in the campus used to carry copies of ‘Filmindia’ along with their text books. That was their Bible.
In fact, the Indian movie industry then also meant Baburao Patel. A great movie critic, whose writings in his journal spelt magic amongst readers. So, naturally, when I first came to Bombay looking for a break in the movies, somewhere within me also lurked a desire to meet the man and have a look at this magician who meant the Indian movie industry to me. He made and unmade stars. He established or destroyed a film with just a stroke of his pen. That much power he wielded then
When his ‘Filmindia’ turned into ‘Mother India’,
Baburao was on the threshold of a new experience. He turned to politics. He was fighting an election. I remember he told me that he went from village to village, walking, tramping, covering hundreds of miles of dusty roads by jeep
when Filmindia was initially launched it was almost exclusively about film, although by the 1950s he wrote generally about politics and other subjects in addition (sex being a favorite as well).
Stardust was the first modern Indian magazine. Not only did it virtually invent literate film journalism (after the broken English of the Baburao Patel and Devyani Chaubal era), it also invented people journalism for the Indian market.
It happened this way. Hira ran Creative Unit, an advertising agency, which employed a talented former model called Shobha Rajyadhyaksha. One day, Shobha told Hira that she was bored of advertising and wanted to leave. “Don’t go,” he told her. “Let’s start a magazine.”
And so, the two of them started Stardust with Nari as the owner and Shobha as the first editor. Not only did Stardust transform the relationship between film stars and journalists, it also began the process of taking Hindi cinema to an English-speaking audience. Throughout the Seventies, even as Bollywood movies were resolutely down-market, Nari and Shobha managed to write sophisticated articles about the stars that were read even by those who never bothered to watch Hindi films.
I may be exaggerating but I do believe that if Stardust had not created this constituency, there would be no audience for the movies of Aditya Chopra, Karan Johar and Farhan Akhtar. Stardust made Bollywood hip and a new generation of film-makers reaped the rewards.
In the late Seventies, Shobha said she was bored again. So, Nari encouraged her to start a new magazine. She decided that she wanted to start a woman’s magazine, meant, she said at the time, “for the woman who does not think with her uterus.” She decided to call it High Society until, shortly before launch, Nari found a hardcore porn magazine called High Society on the news-stands in New York.
So, they settled on Society as a title. In a month or two, it became clear that a) the magazine was much better at people coverage than it was at tackling women’s issues and b) that Shobha was bored again.
Shobha left soon after launch to start her own Celebrity magazine and Nari hired Leela Naidu to replace her. Leela turned out to be a figurehead and Nari ran the magazine himself, behind the scenes. His vision was simple: Society would be a people magazine that would refuse to kiss ass just as Stardust had refused to suck up to movie stars in the way that such magazines as Filmfare had done.
Take away Stardust and Society and you have no Indian magazine boom. The two magazines between them set the template for many of the magazines that followed. Editors came and went but the quality never suffered because Nari was always the super-editor.
Since then, Nari has launched many other magazines of which Savvy is probably the most famous. He does many other things and his career has taken in the establishment of Bombay’s Otter’s Club, a successful travel agency in New York, a book-selling operation, various low-budget movies and a home décor exhibition sideline. All of them have made lots of money for him.
But his heart remains in the magazine business. His devotion to his publications is matched only by his commitment to the staff. He will hire people with no experience, will nurture their careers and will make them editors, never ever acknowledging publicly that he has been entirely responsible for their success.
Even now as the Indian magazine market faces an onslaught of foreign titles, Nari’s products have more than held their own. Stardust is a global phenomenon. No magazine of its type has as much impact on any film industry anywhere in the world. Society remains in a class of its own. I won’t compare it to the suck-up magazines, the Hellos, the OKs, Hi Blitzes and the sadly disappointing People, which are content to print any lies that any self-promoting neo-celebrity tells them.
In fact, Society deserves to be compared to other, more serious, magazines. I nearly always learn something I did not know when I read it. And am always astonished by its willingness to tell it like it is, attacking the famous and the powerful if the story demands it.
I haven’t met Nari for years. He must be nearly 70 by now. But judging by his photographs he looks exactly as he did when I knew him in the early 1980s. Because I know his style I can spot his interventions in his magazines and they are nearly always delightful.
In a world that is full of shysters and self-promoters, it is encouraging to find a true pioneer who seeks no credit for himself. But one day, when the history of Indian publishing is written, Nari Hira will get the credit he deserves.
film fare magazine started in 1952
'people who are renowned to chat, argue and debate excessively '[satirical] and as empty drums-empty headed,naive,Bhola
so bolly stands for empty headed noise makers'bolne wale ' and not bombay
In fact he was very vicious to other indian and foriegn films and artists
'The Illustrated Weekly of India' many years ago reproduced one of babubhai patel's articles crticizing the British film ' The Drum' directed by Alexander Korda. The title of the article:-’Your editor kicks a hole through the drum’
The Drum (1938)(FULL FILM)
Watch and Download "The Drum" courtesy of Jimbo Berkey
click;-Baburao Patel's Poisonous Pen | MemsaabStory
Sep 3, 2012 - I recently got my hands on a very fragile and worn copy of Baburao and Sushila Rani Patel's 1952 book called “Stars of the Indian from Filmindia and the one and only Baburao Patel…
Thus wrote Filmindia (and Mother India) - IIBaburao stopped publishing filmindia in 1964 and began publishing a magazine called Mother India instead, which ...CLICK:-Products - Dr. Baburao Patel's Homoeopathic Remedies
Results 1 - 20 of 128 - A
remedy that takes you to office with a 'head' next morning. Adds to the
success of prohibition and saves the liver. It helps you to enjoy your ...At The Edge: On Baburao Patel Syndrome
Apr 29, 2011 - Baburao Patel was known not only for his biting wit but 'let's bite some, any headsBaburao Patel - Bobby Talks
May 12, 2013 - Baburao Patel and his famous wicked pen, featuring in the FILM INDIA magazine of the early era, Nostalgia Series at by ...
baburao patel - Indian Kanoon Court of India Shri Baburao Patel & Ors vs Dr. Zakir Husain & Ors on 7 November, 1967 Equivalent ... Bench: Wanchoo, K.N. PETITIONER: SHRI ...
INDIA: Such A Thing - TIME,9171,772751,00.htmlIn Bombay's movie fanpaper, Film-India, Editor Baburao Patel conducts an unusually piquant question-&-answer department. Last week Hollywood learned how ...
Music | Indian Classical | Sushila Rani Patel | Time Out Mumbai 13, 2011 - If Sushila Rani Patel had not met Baburao Patel, the editor of Filmindia magazine in Mumbai in 1942, she might not have cancelled a teaching ...
Baburao Patel | Bombay Noir 16, 2012 - Read some of Baburao Patel's reviews. Very, very, very angry right now. Calling Kalpana Kartik pigeon-chested (?!!?!@$@!$%) is not very nice.
Memsaab’s Story .Blog-on Baburao Patel
Memsaab's Story Dev Anand – filmindia – Baburao Patel
Ever-debonaire Dev Anand on Baburao Patel —- the Humanist! *
‘Now,the ever-debonaire Dev Anand, the sigh and heart-throb of millions of day-dreaming women, took over the microphone.
For a good two minutes, he could not speak due to the continuous applause.
And then, began Dev Anand’s oration in perfect diction’:
“Mr. Baburao Patel is one of the most outstanding men of our Times.
I deem it an honor to speak on him!
My acquaintance with him dates back to my College days. That was in Lahore, now in Pakistan.
I very vividly remember, when I joined my College in the 1st year,
all the University boys in the campus used to carry copies of ‘filmindia’ along with their text books.
That was their Bible!
In fact,the Indian Movie Industry then,also meant Baburao Patel !
A great movie critic, whose writings in his Journal spelt Magic amongst readers.
So,naturally, when I first came to Bombay, looking for a break in the movies,
somewhere within me also lurked a desire to meet the man,
and have a look at this Magician, who meant the Indian Movie Industry to me.
He made and un-made stars.
He established or destroyed a film, with just a stroke of his pen!
That much Power he wielded,then.
My first close contact with him, in fact, came when I made the film, “The Guide”.
That was a very expensive film. I had put all that I had in terms of money and talent into it,
and so,naturally,I was very nervous before it’s release.
And,fortunately, I went to Baburao Patel to seek his Blessings before its release.
He not only blessed me,but he also had a Pooja performed for me.
I was touched.I was blessed !
The movie was a success, and in my mind Baburao,the Humanist,the Kind-hearted,the Religious and
God-fearing Baburao came to the forefront, instead of the image of a harsh-hearted,ruthless bully which the Movie Industry held of him.
When his ‘filmindia’ turned into ‘Mother India’,Baburao was on the threshold of a new experience.
He turned to politics.He was fighting an Election.
I remember he told me that he went from village to village,walking,tramping,covering hundreds of miles of dusty roads by jeep,meeting men and women of his Country,
seeking their confidence,seeking their votes.
I met him then again,just to lend him my moral support as a fellow human being.
And,I was a witness to another aspect of Baburao.
Of Baburao,the leader of mankind.
He radiated confidence and warmth,and a sense of leadership amongst his fellow beings.
So,here is a man with so many facets to his personality.
He is a man of tremendous Learning and tremendous Knowledge,tremendous Depth.
A great Patriot,a great Nationalist,a great Genius!
His pen is as sharp as a sword.
A great Doctor who heals as much with his words, as with his medicines.
He has written books on Medicine.
A great astrologer whose Scientific study of the Stars is unlimited.
A politician.
And above all,a Man —- a Great Man,
A combination of a Man and a Sage!
And today,and now he has reached that stage of his life,
that whenever I have some sorrow in my heart,
whenever I am a little depressed,I can easily go to Baburao.
I can sit at his feet for his words of Wisdom,
for his wisdom of the world, to heal my sorrow! (Applause)
It is an honour to speak on Baburao.
It is an honour to honour Baburao !
The Nation should have honoured him long ago!
May he live long!
Thank you.”
‘This short,direct and dynamic speech electrified the audience.
What impressed the audience most was Dev Anand’s fluency of speech,
his perfect diction of the English language,
and his unique choice of the right words.
And,above all,his utter sincerity of feelings!’
*Dev Anand’s speech was delivered before an Elite International Audience,
assembled in Mumbai, to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Baburao Patel,
Editor of ‘filmindia’ and ‘Mother India’ ——– the most exciting magazine in the World!
The above speech has been reproduced from
the Platinum Jubilee Number of ‘Mother India’ published in December 1979.
Guess who is thespian Dilip Kumar’s examplar?
Who does is feel grateful to?
Who has been a supporter during his difficult days?
Dilip Kumar – filmindia – Baburao Patel
Tragedy King Dilip Kumar’s Gratitude for his Examplar Baburao Patel ! *
Now,the microphone went to the great actor,Dilip Kumar.
His work has tears in it,and, he is the first film man to be the Sheriff of Bombay.
Addressing an Elite International Audience, in his deep and subdued tone, Dilip Kumar nostalgically mused:
“Today,I am speaking about a great person !
“From whom,I got a footing in life, love, experience and guidance which a young man can get,
when an elder places his hand on the shoulder of a younger one,to bless.
“About this exemplary personality known as “Baburao Patel”.
“I do not wish to speak anything light-heartedly,on this Occasion.
But,I will say a few words —- with great respect,and humility !
I will speak both in English and Urdu,as the translation of many Urdu words presents difficulty.
“Baburao Patel is an essential factor in my life !
He is the umbrella,under whose shade I have grown.
—– from adolescence to maturity as a man,
on account of his guidance, his love, his care,and his abiding sense of affection for me !
Through his virtues and sterling qualities of mind and heart, he has achieved greatness.
With his qualities,Baburao often fights your battles,and with no personal motives of his own.
Baburao has been a friend and a host to many people, and, I am sure,
I am speaking for all of them who have been close to him and his family.
Baburao Patel, and his senior wife Bali,and Sushilaji.
They have been like elders and sisters or mothers to us,and have given us affection.
I can never forget those memories,nor would I like to tamper with them,
nor would I reduce their sanctity.
They have been memories, which I have treasured through a long passage of time.
I am here today, by virtue of my gratitude, which I owe to Baburao, to Sushilaji, to Bali, and to their family
— a gratitude on which I,often,meditate.
Baburao is a lofty man,who has a great and unique status in his profession.
But,to me, he has been a man’s Man,a Colossus,a Giant of a Man,
a Man with unique Values of Life,
——– and,an Unforgettable Personality !
There have been,in my life,many incidents, many a crisis,
many difficult situations, never mentioned, never talked about.
All of which,as a journalist,would have given him headlines in the papers,had he so wished.
But,never a word has been printed in ‘filmindia’ or “Mother India” because these incidents have been personal.
And Baburao, the Man, always proved much higher and loftier than Baburao, the journalist !
I have only a small circle of friends ——- friends,in whom one can repose immense confidence.
These are people,great stalwarts, that go to make a Nation great.
These are the people that give one the sense of the genuine values of life.
If I am a person of some repute today, if I respect some of these Values of Life,
and if there is some regard in the people for me,
it is because of these people, their teachings and my association with them.
It is a result of my close association with Baburao, with his dear friends, Mr. Vasan,
and with Baburao’s other dear friend Mr. Mehboob Khan.
These men deal with you, on a higher plane of Human Values.
There will be quite a few speeches today, beautiful speeches,of course.
But,as far as I am concerned,I will be paying my grateful regards to a great man,
remembering the realities that can never be forgotten !
I have come here to offer my respects to Baburao, and to bhabhi Sushila Rani.
To say anything more will not be right and proper,
while speaking about an elder like Baburao Patel——–A Giant amongst millions! “
*Dilip Kumar’s emotional Speech touched the hearts of all, in the Elite International Audience,
assembled in Mumbai, to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Baburao Patel,
Editor of ‘filmindia’ and ‘Mother India’ ——– the most exciting Magazine in the World!
The above speech has been reproduced from the Platinum Jubilee Number of ‘Mother India’ published in December 1979.
Baburao Patel was the Editor of ‘filmindia’ —— The Most Exciting Magazine in the World’.
Here is what he had to also say about Shri Prithviraj Kapoor !
In the August 1960 issue of ‘filmindia’
is a masterpiece titled
“Are we burying the Great?”.
Embellished with excellent photographs of handsome Shri Prithviraj Kapoor, pipe in hand, and Shri Baburao Pendharkar, looking stunningly dashing !
Read on:
” To the lovers of the Indian Stage, the saddest news of the year is the closing down of Prithvi Theatres.
The reason given is the usual ‘health’ one—-that Prithviraj Kapoor’s throat needs rest.
“It is true that it needs rest.
In fact, it has been shouting itself hoarse for rest for years now, but Prithviraj, not being used to any other voice but his own, could not take the risk of resting his throat for fear of hurting his ear drums.
“And yet, Prithvi could have gone on hoarsely with the world, for quite some time.
“What closed down the Concern was not the throat, but the wicked hearts of Indians who love nothing deeply enough to patronize it well and sincerely.The theatre attendances were reported to be dropping and Prithviraj had to find new money, from month to month, to keep the theatre running.
His rich sons helped him from time to time, but the last straw that virtually broke the camel’s back was when the heroine of the theatre deserted the producer-director, and went away to Pakistan.
“Prithvi could not bear the separation,and his son Shammi is reported to have paid Rs.37,000 for the requiem mass held over the theatre.
“But, the closing down of the Prithvi Theatre is not the personal loss of Prithviraj Kapoor as many seem to think.
Quite a few are gloating over it with their innate wickedness of nature.
“The tragedy of Prithvi Theatre is a loss to our Country !
For, that was one Institution which was bravely trying to revive our ancient tradition in stage and drama, and while doing so, establishing new norms for the future generation to follow. Whatever may have been Prithvi’s other personal activities —- and not all of them have been pleasant and praiseworthy —– in the field of theatre Prithviraj has certainly been a brave and enterprising pioneer.
“For sixteen long years he fought a constantly losing battle, without the help of the State, or the rich Marwaris of India, who spend millions every year in feeding cows and young prostitutes, but cannot find a spare Rupee for any truly artistic or cultural activity !
“During 16 years, Prithvi played before an audiance of over 2-million people in 130 towns and cities of India, from one end of the Country to the other.
And, he gave 712 shows of ‘Deewar’, 558 of ‘Pathan’, 339 of ‘Ahuti’, 302 of ‘Paisa’, 262 of ‘Ghaddar’, 212 of ‘Shakuntala’, 157 of ‘Kalakar’, and 120 of ‘Kisan’. That is a total of 2662 shows in 16 years —- an average of 166 shows per year.
And, these shows were mostly given on Sunday mornings, in big cities, because no commercial theatres would be made available for stage plays in the evenings. And the Country has, of course, no Municipal theatres for such purposes.
“Now,after giving sixteen best years of his life to the stage, this great producer-director is virtually unemployed —- beaten by the inherent indifference of our people, and the almost wicked apathy of our State.
“He worked like a pioneer and gave his best to the art of his love, and his Country. But his failure is a disgrace to our people and the State.
“There is one more pioneer like Prithviraj, resting on his oars these days.
That man is Baburao Pendharkar —- the Marathi version of the Hindi Prithviraj. These great artistes, though old enough to retire, are not tired of work. They have perhaps more energy than the young ones. But these men are beaten by the circumstances around them.The great art they have does not find the right soil to grow and prosper. They have no State support.
“In 1933, the trade depression had practically wiped out the provincial theatre in Sweden. Arthur Engberg,the Minister of Education & Culture, took this loss as a personal challenge. Said Engberg, “Why should the Capital be able to enjoy the masterpieces of the stage while the rest of the country sees few or none of them?”
“He said that all Swedish people had the same right to the stage art as those in the cities.
Engberg soon established ‘Riksteater’, the national theatre.During the 1950-51 season, i.e.within 18 years,’Riksteater’ gave 1320 performances in 400 different stations.Today many units of the theatre simultaneously give performances in various parts of Sweden, and they play classics of writers like: Shakespeare, Bernard Shaw, Elliot,Tennessee Williams, Sartre and, of course, the Swedish masterpieces.
“Can we not do what little Sweden did in 27years?
“One does not expect much from that national corruption called the Government of India.
“But, surely the Government of Maharashtra,under the guidance of its Art-loving Chief Minister, Yashwantrao Chavan, can use the services of these two old Thespians, not only to revive the stage art in Maharashtra —-the original cradle of all Indian Art —- but also to inform and inspire the rest of the Country in what is at once great and artistic.
“Prithviraj Kapoor and Baburao Pendharkar must not be lost sight of !
“Their great art and experience must not be lost to the Nation ! “
Baburao Reminiscences | Babu Rao Patel | Film India ...
Film India Babu Rao Patel : You Are Here Sitemap Babu Rao Patel :: Reminiscences you are here. Film India. Menu Baburao as... Nationalism · Culture · Politics ...
Books | Babu Rao Patel -
FilmIndia (1942) : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Mar 24, 2014 - FilmIndia (1942) ... Internet Archive BookReader ... texts. FilmIndia (1942). Published 1942. Topics Motion Pictures ... FULL TEXT download.
FilmIndia (1939) : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Mar 24, 2014 - Item Preview. Internet Archive BookReader FilmIndia (1939) ... FULL TEXT download · download ... Vol 8: FilmIndia (1942). Mar 24, 2014 03/14.
FilmIndia (1938) : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Mar 24, 2014 - Dear Internet Archive Patrons: You've come to .... Item Preview. Internet Archive BookReader ... FULL TEXT download ... Vol 8: FilmIndia (1942).
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September 12, 2013 at 7:42 pm